Suds in Schools - FAQ

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read about suds in schools here

Find our all about smol's Suds in Schools Project and help us create free-to-use school laundrettes so children living in hygiene poverty can access clean clothes via Suds in Schools.

Here's our frequently asked questions...

What is Hygiene Poverty?

Put simply, hygiene poverty is not being able to afford the everyday essential hygiene and personal care products that many of us take for granted. 

This could look like not being able to shower with shampoo, conditioner and soap, using an old toothbrush because you can’t afford a new one and not using any toothpaste, washing your clothes less often because you can’t afford laundry detergent or having to reuse disposable nappies because you can’t afford more than one per day. 

For someone experiencing hygiene poverty, they will often choose to pay their bills, feed their children and themselves as priority with hygiene lower down on the list. There is a huge stigma attached to hygiene poverty, but with over 3.2 million people in the UK affected, it’s clear that it is something we need to talk about more.

What is Suds in Schools?

Suds in Schools was set up by smol with The Hygiene Bank to create mini laundrettes in schools across the UK so that families and schools experiencing the effects of hygiene poverty can provide school children with clean clothes free of charge. 

So far, we have already opened over 50 Suds in Schools and smol has committed to providing them with free washing detergent to help keep their pupils in clean clothes.

When did Suds in Schools first start?

We first launched Suds in Schools in 2021, with a trial school in Blackpool, and then a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to open more sites. Throughout 2022 and 2023 we have opened over 50 Suds in Schools laundrettes and we’re looking to open even more with our new fundraiser.

What are you trying to achieve with this campaign?

The aim of Suds in Schools is to first raise awareness of what hygiene poverty is and how we can support those experiencing it. 

Our research amongst parents and teachers of children in UK primary and secondary state schools has revealed a significant increase in children experiencing hygiene poverty in the past year, with a concerning impact on their wellbeing, ability to learn and school attendance; which is causing teachers to personally intervene to provide clean clothes for pupils. 

We’re looking to reach the next milestone with Suds in Schools and roll the programme out to more schools in need and raise awareness to help remove the stigma attached to it. Suds in Schools is looking to raise £25,000 to establish an additional 25 laundrettes, providing clean clothes to families in need.

How much of an issue is Hygiene Poverty in schools?

Our research amongst state primary and secondary school teachers found that over 70% believed their students to be experiencing hygiene poverty. And it is getting worse.

Of those almost three quarters believe there has been an increase in hygiene poverty in their school in the last year.

And teachers are telling us that it is affecting children. Over 50% admitted pupils are being ‘left out’ by other pupils in class due to experiencing hygiene poverty leading to low self esteem, absenteeism and mental health issues.

How can I donate to Suds in Schools?

You can support the Suds in School campaign via our crowdfunder page  

Why are you fundraising?

We want to support school children and families living in hygiene poverty. We are looking for help to raise money to set up more washer dryers in schools across the UK.

What is Crowdfunder?

Crowdfunder is a well known fundraising platform, where people can donate online to support different causes like Suds in Schools.

How much can I donate?

You can donate anything from £1 towards Suds in Schools. We have also set up rewards which you can select to be rewarded with smol goodies, as a thank you for supporting. 

Where does my donation go?

Together, all the donations will help support setting up more Suds in Schools laundrettes in the UK. Your donation will go to setting up a school with an energy efficient washer dryer, with a brilliant warranty. This includes the delivery and set up of the machine. 

How much does a Suds in Schools laundrette cost?

We have estimated it may cost up to £1000 to set up a full Suds in Schools laundrette, to include installation of an energy efficient washer dryer. It may very well cost less than this, which means we can support even more schools too! 

Which schools will get free laundrettes?

We will be working closely with The Hygiene Bank to identify schools who may have families who are experiencing hygiene poverty. If you know a school that may need support, you can nominate a school by filling out the form here:

Can I nominate a school to get a machine?

Yes, you can head to this form to answer a few quick questions here:

Haven’t you already done a crowdfunder for this?

Yes, but sadly the need for essential hygiene products is increasing and the need for initiatives like Suds in Schools is still very prominent. With more fundraising, we can set up more school laundrettes. Our previous campaign has made a monumental difference to a lot of children so of course, we’re keen to make this difference available to even more kids.

I donated last time - what happened to my donation?

So far we have set up over 50 Suds in Schools laundrettes in the UK, with schools across Scotland, England and Wales so far. Many of these schools have chosen to remain anonymous, but a few are happy for us to share their region with quotes on how the laundrettes support them.

Do you have schools across the UK with a suds laundrette?

We hope to set these up in schools across the UK, with laundrettes across Scotland, England and Wales so far. We hope to grow Suds in Schools with our new fundraiser to set up even more school laundrettes in more locations.

What are the rules of suds in schools for who gets one?

We are working closely with The Hygiene Bank to put the machines in schools where there is the greatest need, and families who are experiencing hygiene poverty.

Where can I find out more and watch the video?

Head to our crowdfunder page

Who will be able to use the washing machines?

We hope that both families and teachers will be able to use the washer dryers in each and every school, and we are working closely with each school to make it work best for them and the children in their care.

When can families access the Suds in Schools laundrettes?

Each school is different, but the Suds in Schools machines are available to use during term times over the school day. 

Is Suds in Schools only available to children attending the school a laundrette has been installed in or is it available to the rest of the community too?

Currently it is only available for families at that particular school; working with schools we need to ensure the safeguarding of all children. The washer dryers have been set up in areas that are at times accessible to parents - such as after school clubs.

In the future, with this second round of fundraising, we’d love to explore how we can expand this out to community groups to give access to more families who need help.

How many schools has smol’s Suds in Schools reached?

So far, over 50 schools have benefitted from the Suds in Schools programme. With our current initiative, we hope to provide laundry facilities for a further 25 UK schools, taking us to a total of 75. 

Who supplies the washing machines for Suds in Schools?

Some of the machines from our previous round of Crowdfunding for Suds in Schools have been provided by Samsung. We are looking for a partner to support us to help stretch the donations even further to set up more laundrettes in schools across the UK.

Can I nominate a school for the Suds in Schools programme?

Yes! If you know of a school who you think could benefit from a smol Suds in Schools laundrette, please email us at

What is ‘Donate a Wash’ and how can I get involved?

Another way we support people experiencing hygiene poverty at smol is with our Donate a Wash scheme. Customers can add 30p to their smol laundry or dishwash plan, so that each time your pack of smol processes, you give TWO laundry washes directly to The Hygiene Bank to help those in need. 

How many washes has smol donated so far?

So far we’ve donated over half a million washes to support those in need with the help of The Hygiene Bank and their community partners.

Can I donate without signing up to a smol plan?

In order to take part in the ‘donate a wash’ scheme you need to be signed up to smol, however, you can donate to the Suds in Schools crowdfunder at or head to our social media pages @smolproducts to find out more.

In the video there are several stats, where is this data from?

This was research from smol and the Hygiene Bank.

Who are the Hygiene Bank?

The Hygiene Bank is a community-led national charity and social movement tackling hygiene poverty in the UK. With over 200 local projects throughout the UK, The Hygiene Bank is powered by volunteers, who collect donated hygiene basics and distribute them to people in need via local community partners such as food banks, schools and refuges. Driven by the belief that everyone deserves to feel clean, The Hygiene Bank challenges the injustice of hygiene poverty and advocates for a future where everyone has access to the basics they need to feel clean and healthy. 

One of the largest charities of its kind, The Hygiene Bank published the UK's first benchmark study into the incidence and impacts of hygiene poverty and is committed to empowering communities, businesses and other stakeholders to work collaboratively to end hygiene poverty. 

Why has smol partnered with the Hygiene Bank?

smol is determined to ensure everyone has access to clean clothes, and has been partnering with The Hygiene Bank since 2020, working to raise awareness of the issue of Hygiene Poverty in the UK and supporting those who experience it. 

Survey of UK Teachers

Quantitative survey was conducted using Attest, an MRS accredited market research platform, on behalf of smol and The Hygiene Bank. Research conducted from 6th - 22nd June 2023. All responses are anonymous.


  • This research survey was conducted with a nationally representative, working age (18-65 yrs) panel of 500 active state primary and secondary staff from across the UK. All respondents have regular interaction with school pupils every day.

Survey of UK parents

Quantitative survey conducted using Attest, an MRS accredited market research platform, on behalf of smol and The Hygiene Bank. Research conducted 10th - 21st August 2023. All responses are anonymous.


  • 500 nationally-representative UK parents, aged 18 - 55. All respondents either had a child/children at a state primary school or state secondary school
  • In this survey, respondents qualified as experiencing hygiene poverty if they stated that they had struggled to buy basic hygiene essentials in the past year due to the rising cost of living
read about suds in schools here

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