help us donate 250,000 washes!

Posted by smol on



Question for you… clean clothes or feed the kids. You can only pick one. 

Most would pick the latter.  Whether it’s putting food on the table, heating the home or paying the rent… they all take priority over doing laundry for those of us who cannot afford to do both.

hygiene poverty is vicious.

When you can’t access clean clothes, life gets more difficult. 

  • If you need work but can’t attend an interview looking clean… you may well not get the job. With no salary, your finances get worse.
  • Being around people but feeling ashamed by your dirty clothes, you’ll probably keep to yourself. Your mental health suffers, you’re now even less likely to engage with others.
  • School kids are bullied and excluded because their uniform isn’t clean. School is a living hell so they don’t turn up. Their education suffers, they don’t pass exams… it’s harder to get a job.

SO MANY vicious cycles that are hard to break. All for the want of clean clothes. It’s amazing what clean clothes can do…

clean clothes can make a big difference.

So we’re launching our Clean Clothes Can campaign to help us on our mission to donate 250,000 WASHES to The Hygiene Bank charity; so that those of us living in hygiene poverty CAN access clean clothing. 

So those who want to find work aren’t held back. So our mental health doesn’t worsen. So children can attend school and join in.

Here are 4 ways YOU can help us get there! 

1. donate a wash.

If you’re a smol laundry or dishwash customer already and have yet to take part, please consider joining this programme. It is simple to do but makes a really big difference. You’ll find the donate a wash button on the smol shop in your account once you have logged in here.

Once selected, it will confirm that 30p will add to whichever smol plan you link the scheme to. Each time your order is processed, you will be charged an extra 30p and 2 bio laundry capsules will be sent to The Hygiene Bank on your behalf.

2. take a FREE TRIAL.

Every new laundry FREE TRIAL or dishwasher tablet FREE TRIAL  you take on also means smol donates one FREE WASH to The Hygiene Bank on YOUR behalf. 

You can also try our smol home bundle HERE, and we'll donate 2 washes when you sign up!

And if you're already a smol customer... why not refer-a-friend (you’ll get free washes, as well as 1 donated wash to The Hygiene Bank!)

3. donate direct.

Don’t want any smol laundry capsules at the moment? No problem! You can still donate to our Clean Clothes Can campaign. Just follow this link to our page to donate washes directly to The Hygiene Bank.

4. share Clean Clothes Can on socials.

This one just needs a few clicks from you! Simply share our campaign, this page, any ads or posts from our social media pages. The more eyes that see our Clean Clothes Can campaign… the more washes will hopefully be donated!

Whatever you can manage will be a help. We know from our ongoing work with The Hygiene Bank charity that hygiene poverty is a humiliating, debilitating and undiscussed issue but we also know that clean clothes can make a big difference.

help fight hygiene poverty

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