The theme for Plastic Free July this year is Turn the Tide and it’s highlighting the huge impacts group action can have. Sound familiar? It’s what we’ve been saying here at smol since we started…when large numbers of us come together to make little changes, smol things can make a big difference.
This Plastic Free July we are championing a Switch to Plastic-Free Laundry day.
Last year alone, the UK Laundry industry sold 150 million packs of detergent for washing our clothes with most of these in single-use plastic bottles and tubs.
We now know that most of this plastic is in fact NOT recycled. It is incinerated, sent to landfill or worse still dumped into rivers that carry it off to our oceans. The small amount that is recycled can only be recycled once, making it a HUGELY wasteful material.
Companies must join consumers and say NO!
A smol revolution.
When we launched smol back in 2018 our aim was to take something that all of us needed to buy, and work to find every way possible to make it better. Better for customers AND better for the planet. There was no shortage of areas in which we felt we could improve.
We can’t pretend that ditching the plastic was easy. We are a small independent business with a teensy budget for design and innovation (certainly compared to the big brands) BUT it was something we were determined to do. Some of our customers will remember that we originally launched in 100% recycled plastic packs, but with a lot of blood, sweat and tears (yes, literally all of them) we went plastic-free for our laundry packs in 2020. A UK first in capsules, hooray!
So where next for smol?
As for those other laundry brands….
You’ll see us calling out the big brands on social media and inviting companies to #bemoresmol. If you’d like to join us, please like, comment and share our info on social media. Or better yet, why not help others to make the change and use your refer-a-friend link to recommend smol to friends and family. Each time someone switches to smol you’ll receive your next full pack for FREE….so you’re helping the planet and your pocket too.
It’s one more thing to make a difference and helps us to purge the plastic this Plastic Free July and beyond.