
our people.

We’re proud of the people working here who make things happen and push for more to come.

smol emerged from a very small group of friends and family working from home with the common purpose of wanting to see change. The vision was simple. There was a better way to buy cleaning products that would benefit both people and the planet; and when we come together to make little changes… it soon adds up to a lot.

Turns out lots of folk believe in this picture and as the revolution has taken hold the team has steadily grown.

We are blessed with genuinely great people. They are connected by a passion for innovation, a willingness to listen and the urge to make a difference.

We know the people at smol HQ are integral to ensuring change continues. We must foster inclusivity, celebrate diversity, demand social responsibility and champion equality. Everyone must feel welcome, supported, valued and trusted and this is the way we evolve.

Ensuring valuable and quality job opportunities for those who face barriers to employment is not only part and parcel of our social responsibility but it also brings great benefit to us as a business. Giving people the chance to build up work skills, gain independence, earn a wage, develop strong self-esteem and to become just as strongly skilled as those who never faced employment barriers, is a process we remain committed to. Existing employees feel the benefit too… in training and mentoring, they discover skill sets they never knew they had.

Our customers are just as important. We want them to love smol as much as we do, they are part of our journey and together we share an ambition to make better choices for the planet.

We may well be bigger than we were but in our hearts we are still family; we are still smol.

Find out how our wonderful team got on at our latest smol fest here.
