Working together is what makes a difference, and we wouldn’t be here without you. As one customer once said, “I’m not sure I’ve been in a relationship with a company before…” , but that’s what we value. A connection that flows both ways between us and you.
Got a question about smol? Have some feedback or ideas to share? Here’s the place for all that. We love hearing from you so please do reach out to our lovely customer service team on
If you fancy yourself a bit of a smol expert, why not join our smol circle?
The smol circle is THE way to share your thoughts on cleaning, shopping and finding sustainable swaps for life. It’s also a great way for us to gain your feedback; you can even test out our new products before they launch. We’d love to welcome you onboard and pick your brains.
To join our smol circle please contact
And if you’re feeling extra social, head to our pages on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. It’s an especially easy way to keep abreast of all things smol so we look forward to seeing you there.
You might even like to join our private community facebook group smol hacks:tips and tricks. It’s a safe and supportive space for cleaning hacks and full of lovely smollers!