
back to school? back to smol.

Wow, this summer has absolutely flown by! We can’t believe it’s back-to-school time already! For many of us, back to school means back to the morning rush, the stress of making sure they’ve done their homework, and dealing with the mountain of school uniform in the laundry pile. 

Here at smol, we understand how hectic the start of a new school year can be, and whilst we can’t help with their homework, we can help with their school uniforms! So we’ve put together a list of the most common schoolyard stains, and how to get rid of them!

Grass- soak stain in cold water (never hot!). Using a clean cloth, dab a small amount of surgical spirit onto the stain. Rinse in cold water before putting in the washing machine on your normal wash setting with smol.

Ink- we’d recommend spraying some hairspray onto those tricky ink stains (or rubbing on some alcohol will work too!). Dab with a damp cloth (try not to rub) until the ink is no longer present, then wash on normal wash setting with smol. 

Crayon- first, remove any wax that you can by laying the stain face down onto an old cloth, or some kitchen roll. Iron the back of the stain to melt the wax and remove any excess from the clothing. Next, wet the clothing with some warm water, and rub some washing up liquid into the stain. Rinse in warm water, and wash with smol on the hottest possible setting that the fabric will allow. 

Blood- speed is key here… as soon as you can, soak the garment in cold salt water for 2 hours. Create a paste with baking soda and water (about 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water), and rub into the bloodstain. Leave for half an hour, then wash on normal wash setting with smol.

And there you have it. With these school uniform hacks, you’ll be ready to ace the new school year alongside your little ones!


